Personal Pensions
A Personal Pension Plan is a private pension policy that is managed for you, normally in conjunction with a life assurance company. It is essentially a long-term savings plan whereby you make regular contributions to help you build up an income for your retirement.Read More »
Executive Pensions
An Executive Pension is a company pension plan set up by an employer to provide retirement benefits for directors, senior executives and employees of the company. Under this type of pension plan the employer pays either a portion or all the pension contributions on behalf of the employee and the employee may also make his/her own personal contributions.Read More »
A PRSA is a type of long-term savings account designed to help you save for your retirement in a flexible manner. PRSA legislation was introduced in 2002 in an attempt to simplify and encourage more individuals to take charge of their own pension provision.Read More »
Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) are extra contributions made by individuals who have existing pension plans but who wish to save more in order to increase their projected pension benefits.Read More »
An Approved Retirement Fund (ARF) is a pension policy that allows you to manage and control your own post retirement fund. Â This type of pension plan allows a high level of flexibility, enabling you to keep your money invested as a lump sum after you retire. You may also make regular withdrawals to provide yourself with a replacement income. With an ARF you can also bequeath your pension fund to your dependents when you die.Read More »
Employer Schemes
As a result of our commitment to financial planning, we focus on clear, effective communication to agree, and subsequently achieve, realistic financial targets for you.Transparent, regular communication for the benefit of the employee, the employer and the trustees eliminates the confusion surrounding pensions and the associated benefits.Read More »